MQI Websites - Monthly Updates Newsletter (December 2010)
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MQI members and others across the globe. |
Latest Activities of Minhaj-ul-Quran International |
Shaykh-ul-Islam Speaks at the American Institute of Peace |
Minhaj-ul-Quran Women League organizes Book Exhibition in Aiwan-e-Iqbal Lahore |
Shaykh-ul-Islam speaks at Georgetown University in Washington DC |
Collective Sacrifice 2010 under Minhaj Welfare Foundation |
Knowledge, key to fighting terrorism: Hassan Mohi-ud-Din Qadri |
MWL distributes Eid Gifts and food among orphans and the destitute women |
We can defeat terrorism with love of the Holy Prophet (SA): Sahibzada Hussain Mohi-ud-Din Qadri |
MWF Faisalabad organizes a collective marriage ceremony for 25 couples |
MQI's representatives meet the British Prime Minister at 10 Downing Street |
Minhaj Welfare Foundation & Dar-ul-Ehsan Welfare Society jointly hold congregational marriage ceremony |
Al Hidayah Magazine - The New Voice of Islam in the West |
Back to Allah, Back to Rasul Allah (SAW), Back to Quran: Iqbal and Shaykh-ul-Islam's strategy ― Sumaira Rafaqat |
New Online Books |
al-Hidayah |
Dukhtran-e-Islam |
Minhaj-ul-Quran |
New Online Speeches in WMV Format (53) |
 Struggle against Radicalism in Islam (with Question-Answer Session) Event: United State Institute of Peace |
 Suhbat e Fuqara wa Masakin ke Insani Shakhsiyyat par Asrat Event: Mahana Majlis Khatam Sawlat AllinNabi |
 Tarbiyat ka Roohani Minhaj Sura Maryam ki Roshni meiN |
 Shaan Syyidah e Kainat Bazzuban e Sarwar e Kainaat |
 Haqiqat e Insani aur Takhliq e Muhammadi |
 Shahadat e Imam e Hussain aur Sabr, Tawakkul o Raza (Khutbah Jumah) |
 Dars e Manaqib Hasnain Kremain (Part 1) (Khitab Jumah) |
 Allah sy Muafi maango Tashkeel e Kirdar ky 15 Zabty (Zabta No. 10) Event: Shab-Bedari |
 Huzoor sy Talluq ka Wahid Zaria Durood o Salam |
 Roohani Mausam jo Gunahoon kay Khushk Patay Jharay Shab e Barat Event: Shab e Barat |
 Falsfa e Maut aur Urs ki Haqiqat |
 Insan Mahdood sy la Mahdood tak |
 Nizam e Mustafa aur Maqam e Mustafa (S.A.W) Event: Maqam e Mustafa Conference |
 Sad HazaraN Jibreel Andar Bashar |
 Hussain Mujh sy hy aur Main Hussain sy hooN |
 Lejio Muhammad Naam Urs Mubarak Mukhtar ul Hassan Shah |
 Mahabbat o Adab e Mustafa (S.A.W) hi Asl e Tawhid hy |
 Tafseer Surah Fajr aur Huzoor ki Zaat e Aqdas (Annual Roohani Ijtimaa) |
 Zikr e Shahadat e Imam Hussain (AS) |
 Shaan e Nabuwat e Muhammadi Aqida Ahl e Sunnat Sunni Conference Event: Sunni Conference |
 Mahabat e Ahl e Bait aur Zikr e Hussain |
 Rah e Sulook ky Musafir Taharat: Wuzoo mein Dhyan |
 Maut aur Akhrat |
 Kaabat Ullah ka Tarekhi Pas e Manzar (Khutbah Jumah) |
 Zindagi ka Maqsood Lewajhhi Allah |
 Zibhy e Ismaeel sy Zibhy Hussain tak |
 Zikr e Hussain (AS) Karbala sy Pehly aur Karbala ky Baad |
 Mustafavi Inqilab ky liey Jehad ky Taqazy (Surah Taubah ki Roshni mein) |
 Mahabat e Elahi aur Khashiat e Elahi (Shab Baidari) |
 Iman ka Markaz o Mehwar Adab e Ishq wo Adab e Mustafa |
 Shehr e Firaun sy Wadi e Aiman ka Safar |
 Falsfa e Shahadat (Khutbah Jumah) |
 Shahadat e Imam Hussain Shahadat e Muhammadi hy (Part 1) |
 Azmat e Ahl e Bait o Shahadat e Imam e Hussain (Surah Al-dhar) |
 Shahadat e Imam e Hussain ka Tarekh e Insani mein Maqam |
 Shahadat e Imam Hussain ka Tarekhi Pas e Manzar (Part 1) |
 Shahadat e Imam Hussain ka Tarekhi Pas e Manzar (Part 2) |
 Shaheed aur Shahadat ka Tasawwur (Quran ki Roshani mein) (Shahadat e Imam e Hussain Conference) |
 Shahadat e Aatay Mustafa (S.A.W) |
 Sayyedna Imam Hussain AS ka Maqam e Raza |
 Pegham e Meraj un Nabi aur Shahadat e Imam e Hussain (Yaum e Imam e Hussain) |
 Shahadat e Imam Hussain Shahadat e Muhammadi hy (Part 3) |
 Aqsam e Faiz awr Iktisab e Faiz |
 Haqiqat e Istiqamat |
 Spiritualism and Materialism |
 Islamic System of Education |
 Tanzeemi Umoor mein Bahmi Taawun ki Naguzeeriyat |
 Dai ky Awsaf |
 Khidmat e Din mein Ikhlas ki Zaroorat |
 Aamal ki Haqiqat awr Maarif |
 Islam Din e Amn hay |
 Zaat e Mustafa Wajhe Takhleeq e kainat hay (Part-I) |
 Mah e Milah un Nabi (PBUH) ke Taqaze Hussain Mohi ud Din Qadri Event: Ziafat e Millad |
New Online Speeches in MP3 Format (53) |
 Struggle against Radicalism in Islam (with Question-Answer Session) Event: United State Institute of Peace |
 Suhbat e Fuqara wa Masakin ke Insani Shakhsiyyat par Asrat Event: Mahana Majlis Khatam Sawlat AllinNabi |
 Tarbiyat ka Roohani Minhaj Sura Maryam ki Roshni meiN |
 Lafz Subhaan ky Aeny mein Taqdees e Khuda aur Taqdees e Mustafa ka Aks |
 Kainat ka Sab sy bRa Muajza maa Mahfil e Naat |
 Wada Alast aur Ta'aluq e Bandagi |
 Safar e Taubah ky 3 Station (Shab e Barat) |
 Pehchaan e Khuda, Zaat e Mustafa hy |
 Tarbiyat ka Roohani Minhaj Sura Maryam ki Roshni meiN |
 Dars e Manaqib Hasnain Kremain (Part 1) (Khitab Jumah) |
 Allah sy Muafi maango Tashkeel e Kirdar ky 15 Zabty (Zabta No. 10) Event: Shab-Bedari |
 Huzoor sy Talluq ka Wahid Zaria Durood o Salam |
 Falsfa e Maut aur Urs ki Haqiqat |
 Insan Mahdood sy la Mahdood tak |
 Sad HazaraN Jibreel Andar Bashar |
 Hussain Mujh sy hy aur Main Hussain sy hooN |
 Mahabbat o Adab e Mustafa (S.A.W) hi Asl e Tawhid hy |
 Lejio Muhammad Naam Urs Mubarak Mukhtar ul Hassan Shah |
 Zikr e Shahadat e Imam Hussain (AS) |
 Iman e Abu Talib (RA) |
 Shaan e Nabuwat e Muhammadi Aqida Ahl e Sunnat Sunni Conference Event: Sunni Conference |
 Shahdat-e-Imam Hussain (A) hi Shahdat-e-Muhammadi (S.A.W.) Hy |
 Mahabat e Ahl e Bait aur Zikr e Hussain |
 Kaabat Ullah ka Tarekhi Pas e Manzar (Khutbah Jumah) |
 Zindagi ka Maqsood Lewajhhi Allah |
 Zibhy e Ismaeel sy Zibhy Hussain tak |
 Zikr e Hussain (AS) Karbala sy Pehly aur Karbala ky Baad |
 Mustafavi Inqilab ky liey Jehad ky Taqazy (Surah Taubah ki Roshni mein) |
 Mahabat e Elahi aur Khashiat e Elahi (Shab Baidari) |
 Iman ka Markaz o Mehwar Adab e Ishq wo Adab e Mustafa |
 Shehr e Firaun sy Wadi e Aiman ka Safar |
 Falsfa e Shahadat (Khutbah Jumah) |
 Shahadat e Imam Hussain Shahadat e Muhammadi hy (Part 1) |
 Azmat e Ahl e Bait o Shahadat e Imam e Hussain (Surah Al-dhar) |
 Shahadat e Imam e Hussain ka Tarekh e Insani mein Maqam |
 Maut aur Akhrat |
 Haqqa keh Binay La Ilaha Ast Hussain |
 Shaheed aur Shahadat ka Tasawwur (Quran ki Roshani mein) (Shahadat e Imam e Hussain Conference) |
 Shahadat e Aatay Mustafa (S.A.W) |
 Sayyedna Imam Hussain AS ka Maqam e Raza |
 Pegham e Meraj un Nabi aur Shahadat e Imam e Hussain (Yaum e Imam e Hussain) |
 Shahadat e Imam Hussain Shahadat e Muhammadi hy (Part 3) |
 Aqsam e Faiz awr Iktisab e Faiz (Sahibzada Hussain Mohi ud Din Qadri) |
 Haqiqat e Istiqamat (Sahibzada Hussain Mohi ud Din Qadri) |
 Spiritualism and Materialism (Sahibzada Hussain Mohi ud Din Qadri) |
 Islamic System of Education (Sahibzada Hussain Mohi ud Din Qadri) |
 Tanzeemi Umoor mein Bahmi Taawun ki Naguzeeriyat (Sahibzada Hussain Mohi ud Din Qadri) |
 Dai ky Awsaf (Lecture Sahibzada Hussain Mohi ud Din Qadri) |
 Khidmat e Din mein Ikhlas ki Zaroorat |
 Aamal ki Haqiqat awr Maarif |
 Islam Din e Amn hay |
 Zaat e Mustafa Wajhe Takhleeq e kainat hay (Part-I) |
 Mah e Milah un Nabi (PBUH) ke Taqaze |
New Online Speeches in FLV Format (19) |
 Struggle against Radicalism in Islam (with Question-Answer Session) Event: United State Institute of Peace
 Salam ka Mafhoom awr Islam ka Pegham e Amn o Salamti |
 Khidmat e Din ki Taufeeq awr uski Hifazat ka Tariqa |
 Tehreek Minhaj-ul-Quran ka Tasawwur e Din (Tanzeemat Women League) |
 Huqooq e Risalat (Quran ki Roshani mein) |
 Khawahishat e Dunya se be Raghbati (European Workshop on Peace & Integration. Session Two) |
 Mah e Milah un Nabi (PBUH) ke Taqaze |
 Khidmat e Din mein Ikhlas ki Zaroorat |
 Characteristics of Leadership |
 Mansab e Shaykh ul Islam ke Taqaze - Part-I |
 Suhbat e Fuqara wa Masakin ke Insani Shakhsiyyat par Asrat |
 Sirat e Sayyida Aalam (R.A) Sirat e Nabvi (S.A.W) ka Mazhar Atamm hy (Khutba Juma) |
 Rah e Sulook ky Musafir Taharat: Wuzoo mein Dhyan |
 Shahadat e Imam Hussain Shahadat e Muhammadi hy (Part 3) |
 Question & Answer Session : Al-Hidayah 2006 |
 Imam Bukhari on the Level of Knowledge & Gnosis of the Holy Prophet Event: Al-Hidayah 2006 |
 Imam Bukhari on Aqida & Self Purification Event: Al-Hidayah 2006 |
 The Aqida of Imam Bukhari Event: Al-Hidayah 2006 |
 Mahfil e Qirat O Naat (Qari Sayyid Sadaqat Ali) |
World Wide Visitors of MQI web sites |
In the image bellow, you can see 1000s of cities from almost all the countries of the world where from we are getting our visitors. Most of them are from Europe, USA, South Asia, Middle East & Far East. Even 100s of cities from Africa, Latin America & Australia are also providing a lot of visitors on daily basis. Here you can better understand how much people are taking benefit from the books & lectures by Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri worldwide. Alhamdulillah

This newsletter is aimed at keeping our readers up to date about Minhaj-ul-Quran International websites. All materials contained on this site may be copied and distributed by putting a reference link to the website. Copyright © 1994 - 2010 Minhaj-ul-Quran International. All rights reserved. |