Ricksanchez : Most Intriguing Person, March 3

March 3, 2010
Posted: 05:18 PM ET

Most intriguing today: An Islamic leader who issued a fatwa against his own people. Born in Pakistan, and raised since childhood to be a religious leader, this renowned scholar of the Islamic faith has released a 600-page fatwa against suicide bombers, saying they are destined for hell. In other words, they're not destined for paradise if they kill in the name of Allah. The fatwa is arguably the most comprehensive argument against islamic terrorism. He is Sheikh Tahir ul-Qadri. His fatwa is available for anyone to read in English and online, that's unusual.

Also intriguing today: a woman claiming to be one of Tiger Woods' former girlfriends. (Gonna have to be more specific, right? That's a list all by itself.) She's not caught up in his multiple-women sex scandal, instead she's speaking up on her own, to say he's a great guy! She says they were hooked up for a year and a half when they were both students at Stanford. She says this about Tiger Woods in "Golf Magazine":

"The Tiger I knew was loyal, devoted and self-controlled. I'm not naive, but i can say with certainty that he was faithful during the time we dated. The speculation that he's being treated for sex addiction is surprising because we enjoyed a normal sexual relationship."

Source : http://ricksanchez.blogs.cnn.com/2010/03/03/most-intriguing-person-march-3/

