All acts of worship together cannot be equal to the service of a mother: Shaykh-ul-Islam

Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri has said that no society can deny the importance of teachings Islam has prescribed for the respect of blood relations. There are manifest commandments about the fulfillment of rights of parents and meting out excellent treatment towards them in the Holy Quran and Hadith. Islam has given special importantce to the fulfillment of rights of mother and Allah also refers to the example of motherly love to show His love for the mankind, which is seventy times more than that of a mother. The meaning of dictum ‘paradise is beneath the feet of a mother’ means that all acts of worship together cannot be equal to the service of a mother. One should always remain vigilant and careful so far as undertaking of duty on this count is concerned. Such an attitude would result in eliminating restlessness and discontentment from our lives.

According to information received at the Directorate of Media from UK, Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri expressed these views while delivering his keynote speech at a seminar on a Mother’s Day under the banner of Minhaj-ul-Quran Women League in London. He said that Hazrat Owais Qarni set such a standard of service and love for a mother which is a beacon of light for the humanity and by acting upon it, the Muslim Umma can revive its weakening blood relationships. Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri said that the difficulties suffered by a mother during pregnancy and infancy are due to her emotions of motherliness. That is why Islam has associated great importance to the role of mothers for training and upbringing of children. He said that if we had a look at the lives of our forefathers, they appear to have been dedicated to the love of their mothers, which explains why they rose to such excellence in their worldly and otherworldly life.

Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri deplored the fact that materialism has adversely affected the family system and respect for parents has been reduced to a ritual. The welfare organizations are building old homes to take care of old parents while the children are busy amassing worldly resources at the cost of family life. In view of these circumstances, there is a dire need of the hour to impart education to the youth about respect and love of parents so that they could learn the lesson they had forgotten over the decades.

