The killing of young man a symptom of deep-rooted malaise: Dr Raheeq Abbasi

Dr Raheeq Ahmad Abbasi, Secretary General of Minhaj-ul-Quran International, has expressed his deep grief and sorrow over the murder of a Pakistani youth at the hands of the Rangers officials in Karachi. He said that the incident has embarrassed the entire nation and put it to shame. The people, he said, are aghast at what has happened in Karachi. He said that this killing is merely the symptom of a deep-rooted and complex malaise that afflicts the body politic, which is likely to worsen in the absence of any reformative action by the state.

In a statement issued from Directorate of Media and Public Relations, Dr Raheeq Abbasi said that those paid by the people through taxes are now on the killing spree in cold-blood. He said that this incident and many others in the past have highlighted the need of reviewing the control and command structures of our law enforcement agencies. He added that the revisiting the operative philosophy has also become mandatory, for the recent acts of terrorism on key government buildings and military installations have been carried out with the full connivance of the officials serving in the government organizations. He said that weeding out such elements through enhanced intelligence gathering is only possible if sustained political will informs such a mid-course correction.

Dr Raheeq Abbasi said that such incidents erode the trust of citizenry in the ability of the state to protect them and their fundamental rights. He said that unless we reinvent social contract between the state and its people along modern-day realities, nothing is going to work for us. He said that only constitutionalism and rule of law offer the hope and need to be upheld at every level. He said that if the youth was a robber as is being claimed by the Rangers, he must have been dealt with by the law. He asked the relevant stakeholders to put their heads together and stem this tide of deterioration before it is too late.

