MYL celebrates International Youth Day in style

The asset of any country is its youth and students. That is why the living nations regard the students and youths as the builders of future and pay special focus on healthy competitions and recreational events for positive utilization of their energies. It explains why the youths play their individual role and bring laurels to their country and make their people proud through extraordinary achievements. The youth played significant role during the freedom movement in the sub-continent and were instrumental in organizing the Muslim League and consequently attaining Pakistan.

These views were expressed by Chaudhry Baber Ali, president of Minhaj-ul-Quran Youth League, in his speech at a seminar held to mark the International Youth Day the other day. The subject of the seminar was “Role of Youth during the Pakistan Movement”.

He said that Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah had special liking and love for the youths and students. He would always spare time for them despite being hugely busy. Ch Baber Ali said that the Quaid-e-Azam breathed a new soul among the youth and inspired them with his own character. That is why the youths belonging to different age groups and backgrounds merged into one dynamic force and endeavoured to achieve Pakistan.

Tayyab Zia, leader of MYL, said that hundreds of thousand of the youths were special power of the Quaid-e-Azam during the freedom struggle and they played significant role. He said that the youths would not hesitate to offer any sacrifice to realize the objective of independence. He said that the Congress lost because it did not have a leader of the Quaid’s caliber and it did not have as dynamic youth as the Muslim students. He said that the Quaid-e-Azam organized the students and youths and used their power most judiciously. Munwwar Javed, Rana Shakeel and Rana Sajjad also spoke on the occasion.

