Shaykh-ul-Islam condemns Bajur attack

Condemning the Bajur attack in the strongest possible words, Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri has termed it as the worst act of the enemies of humanity. He said that those wreaking havoc on innocent lives did not deserve to be called humans. He said that those who use youths of tender age as human fodder for their nefarious objectives were the blot on the face of humanity.

Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri said that the raging fires of terrorism had taken a heavy toll on the country’s economic health and general law and order situation. He said that unending wave of target killing and incidents of terrorism had brought a bad name to Pakistan in the global community, for which the ruling elite was responsible. He said that an end to terrorism was not possible unless a workable strategy was formulated by identifying the root causes.

