Daily The News: Altaf calls for practical steps to change system Qadri invites MQM to PAT march

Altaf calls for practical steps to change system Qadri invites MQM to PAT march

our correspondent


Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) chief Altaf Hussain said on Friday that it was high time practical steps were taken to change the system in the country.

Addressing by phone members of the party’s Coordination Committee at Nine Zero, he said that the process of change had started and now nobody could stop revolution in the country.

He said that he had been struggling for the past 35 years for the eradication of the old feudal system and hereditary politics from Pakistan.

He added that he had also been struggling for a uniform education system, enforcement of merit, sectarian harmony, religious tolerance and unity.

“Due to the old feudal system, the country’s economic and political system has been destroyed, unemployment is common, there are shortages of gas and electricity, and the extortion mafia and looting are rampant,” he said.

Hussain further said that the state of the poor and the oppressed was so bad that people were now committing suicide.

He added that the country was in the grip of terrorism and extremism.

“The country needs real change, for which a struggle is the need of the time.”

The MQM leader said that revolution was the name of change and change was brought not for an individual but for the people.

“Therefore, all political forces desirous of change should get united for change and come forward for the elimination of corruption, fraud and dishonesty from the country.”

He also asked the MQM activists to prepare themselves mentally and physically for the struggle to end feudalism.

Qadri invites MQM

The chairman of the Pakistan Awami Tehreek (PAT) Prof Dr Tahirul Qadri, telephoned the founder of the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM), Altaf Hussain, on Friday and extended an invitation to the MQM for participating in the march on Islamabad being organised by the PAT on January 14.

Both the leaders talked about the march and the overall political situation in the country, said a statement issued by the MQM.

Qadri told Hussain that a high-powered delegation of the PAT would visit the MQM Head Office, Nine Zero, on Saturday in order to extend a formal invitation to participate in the march.

Hussain thanked Qadri and said that the PAT delegation would be warmly welcomed at Nine Zero. He told Qadri that the Coordination Committee of the MQM would discuss the invitation in a joint meeting.

Hussain said, “We have been struggling from the very beginning against the archaic feudal system, hereditary politics, and corruption in politics. Thousands of our workers have embraced martyrdom in this struggle.

“We would support any voice that will be raised against the feudal system, hereditary politics and rampant corruption in politics.”

Qadri said that there was complete harmony between the views of the MQM and the PAT for eliminating the feudal system and corruption in politics. He assured Hussain that the cooperation would continue for achieving those objectives.

The MQM leader appealed to the people of the country to help the MQM financially so that it could brig about revolution in the country and ensure the delivery of justice. He asked them to immediately start donating funds for the party.

Hussain said people could deposit their donation amounts at Nine Zero or the party’s zonal offices. He said his party’s activists had been told not to force anybody to donate money for the party. Hussain hoped that the MQM activists and Haq Parast people would not disappoint him and would fully cooperate with the party.

Source : http://images.thenews.com.pk/29-12-2012/ethenews/e-151077.htm

