Daily Pakistan Today: Till death do us part



KARACHI - A joint meeting of the coordination committee of the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) on Sunday decided to participate in the Tehreek-e-Minhajul Quran’s long march on January 14.

MQM Deputy Convener Dr Farooq Sattar said this in a press briefing at Nine Zero.

Dr Sattar said, “After discussing all aspects in detail the co-ordination committee decided to take active part in the long march being held in Islamabad on January 14 for abolishing the decaying feudal system, eliminating corruption and use of money in politics, restoring the rights of the people belonging to the poor and middle classes in the politics of the country and establishing a just and equitable system in the country. The meeting decided that hundreds of thousands of the MQM workers would take part in the long march along with Minhajul Quran for these noble objectives.” MQM chief Altaf Hussain endorsed the decision and appealed to the MQM workers to take part in the long march. Dr Sattar said the MQM chief has always said that he wanted to change the outmoded system of the country.

He said, “As the programme presented by Dr Qadri is the same for which Altaf Hussain has been relentlessly struggling for the past 33 years, hence the MQM has decided to extend full support for this noble cause. We are with Dr Qadri for achieving these objectives.” “People of Pakistan are well aware that Altaf Hussain wants to establish a truly democratic system in the country. He wishes to establish a middle class order by eliminating the feudal system, unrestrained capitalism, and the hereditary control of a handful of families on the politics.” “The MQM did not raise the mere slogan of the middle class order. It actually sent the educated and qualified people from the poor and middle classes to the assemblies and brought a revolution as far as the urban areas of Sindh are concerned.” “We wanted to spread this revolution throughout the country but our path was obstructed by state repression. Thousands of the MQM workers were mercilessly killed. Even the brother and nephew of Mr Hussain were martyred when he refused to bow down. We were not disappointed by these injustices and continued our struggle.”

“It is the outcome of our struggle that the message of the MQM is spreading at a quick pace in the Punjab, Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Gilgit-Baltistan, Azad Kashmir and tribal areas of the country. There is no area in the country where the admirers of Altaf Hussain are not present.” “We firmly believe that one day our struggle will be successful and the outdated political system will be changed.” Dr Tahirul Qadri called Altaf Hussain and thanked him for deciding to take part in the long march. Dr Qadri said he would soon visit Nine Zero to thank the MQM leadership in this regard. Earlier, MQM Chief Altaf Hussain said that revolution in Pakistan was inevitable. He was talking on phone to a delegation of Tehreek-e-Minhajul Quran (TMQ), who visited MQM’s Karachi headquarters Nine Zero. “We will live together and we will die together. Together we will save Pakistan,” Altaf said. The MQM thanked TMQ Chairman Dr Tahirul Qadri for sending the delegation and inviting MQM in a march scheduled to begin on January 14, 2013.

“Both the MQM and Minhajul Quran are working for the noble cause of eliminating feudal system and corruption, introduction of a uniform system of education, establishment of equality in every sphere of life and bringing the just and equitable rule on the pattern of the pious caliphs.”

The MQM chief assured the visiting delegation of its party’s support.

“Time has come to free the country from the clutches of thieves and robbers.”

TMQ nazim-e-aala Dr Raheeq Abbasi thanked the MQM chief for warm welcome at Nine Zero.

He said, “Your open support to the programme of Dr Qadri is a source of strength for us and we are thankful to you for this gesture.”

Source : http://www.pakistantoday.com.pk/2012/12/31/news/national/tilld-death-do-us-part/

