CNBC: Chauhdry Brothers fail to convince Tahir-ul-Qadri for long march cancellation

Staff Report

LAHORE: Pakistan Muslim League-Quide Chauhdry Shujat Hussain and his brother, Deputy Prime Minister Chauhdry Parvez Ilahi, failed to convince Tahir-ul-Qadri for cancellation of long march, CNBC Pakistan reports.

Chauhdry Brothers called on Dr. Tahirul-Qadri at his residence in Lahore on Friday to persuade him on government’s behalf to cancel his announced long march on January 14.

PML-Q leaders exchanged views with Minhaj-ul-Quran Chief over possibilities of long march cancellation and tried to make him understand for changing his mind.

Tahir-ul-Qadri, Chauhdry Shujat and DPM Ch. Parvez Ilahi talked to media after conclusion of media jointly in a cordial situation.

Ch. Shujaat said on the occasion that they have conveyed request to Dr. Qadri for cancellation of long march and he has shown a positive attitude.

We are hopeful that some positive outcome will come after final dialogues with Dr. Qadri, he added, saying we will deliver his response and views to the regime for further talks.

Tahir-ul-Qadri said while talking to journalists that we have talked in a very cordial mood and they have delivered me the request for cancellation of long march but there is no way of quitting at this stage and long march will surely be held on scheduled date.

Earlier yesterday, PML-Q leaders got this task by ruling allies to meet Tahir-ul-Qadri on their behalf and try to convince him for cancelling the long march.

Chauhdry Brothers have not given up yet and they are confident that some sort of positive result will come out after final talks with Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri. CNBC Pakistan

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