Qadri claims to bring 4mn marchers proves erroneous

Qadri claims to bring 4mn marchers proves erroneous

14 Jan, 2013


ISLAMABAD: Minister for Interior, Rehman Malik on Monday said Dr. Tahir Qadri's claims to bring four million marchers in long march proved erroneous as the participants accompanying their leader are far less than 20,000.

"Chief of Tehrik-e-Minhaj-ul-Quran (TMQ) has failed to fulfill his claims as number of people present in his rally are far less than the exaggerated figure he claimed earlier," the Minister told reporters after having an aerial view of the long march.

He termed the long march as part of an international conspiracy against Pakistan and said Dr. Qadri should have adopted democratic means to raise his voice.

He said district administration has not given any deadline for stay of Dr. Qadri in Islamabad.

Answering a question, he said Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) has issued a notice to TMQ Chief for the expenses incurred on holding long march, adding that Tahir Qadri should tell the source of expenditures.

Rehman Malik said as per TMQ estimates Rs. 4500 has been spent on one participant.

He said code of conduct for long march has already been agreed upon between the district administration Islamabad and TMQ as under the agreement vehicles can only be parked in designated area. The Minister said law breakers would be dealt with iron hands.

Replying to another question, he said name of Qadri has not been put on Exit Control List (ECL) as he can any time fly back to Canada where he had spent last six years.

Regarding threats to long march, he said Tahir Qadri has already been informed.

On a question about special security arrangements for long march, Rehman Malik said SOPs were already approved.

Sensitive areas including the Parliament House, Diplomatic Enclave, and other locations are cordoned off.

No one would be allowed to bring arms in long march. Qadri would remain in bullet proof vehicle.

Copyright APP (Associated Press of Pakistan), 2013

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