Pakistani opposition demands President’s resignation

Pakistani opposition demands President’s resignation

Tags: Society, News, World, Pakistan

Jan 14, 2013 20:17 Moscow Time

пакистан протест пакистан сторонники Тахир Кадри лахор митинг

In Pakistan, an opposition rally, which its organizers call “A March of Millions”, has reached the country’s capital Islamabad.

On Monday, about 30,000 Islamabad’s residents took to the streets, demanding that the country’s incumbent President Asif Ali Zardari should resign.

The protesters’ leader Tahir ul Qadri says that the demonstrators will leave the streets only after Parkistan’s incumbent government resigns.

The organizers also say that they are planning to turn the rally into “another Tahrir Square”.

Tahrir is a square in Cairo, the site of mass protests in 2011, which led to the ousting of Egypt’s President Hosni Mubarak.

The police have blocked all the roads to Islamabad and entries to the district of government offices in the city. Besides, helicopters of the government army are flying over Islamabad.

Voice of Russia, TASS

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