Dunya News: Election Commission is unconstitutional: Qadri

Last Updated On 17 February,2013 About 22 hours ago

FAISALABAD (Dunya News) – Addressing a public gathering here Minhajul Quran chief reiterated that current Election Commission was unconstitutional.

I don’t recognize this Election Commission,” he declared.

He said coming elections would make or break Pakistan, adding he wanted that election should be held in such a manner that Pakistan is saved.

“Pakistan politics is in the clutches of elite and present system can never solve the problems of the poor people,” Qadri said.

Qadri asked his followers not to lose heart and get prepared for the elections and revolution.

Source : http://dunyanews.tv/index.php/en/Pakistan/160038-Election-Commission-is-unconstitutional-Qadri

