Hounslow Jamia Masjid

On Saturday 4th of February my sister my mum and I attended a lecture that was held at The Hounslow Jamia Masjid. The lecture was conducted by Sister Khadija Atkinson. The lecture taught us about a wonderful life role model Hazrat Fatima Us-Zahra R.A. (Rathi-al-a-tala anhu). And how she looked after her father (Prophet Muhammad sal-al-a-hu-alay-he-wa salam) also how she cared for her Ummah and the life and living things and people around her. Everyone believes that up in heaven she was the leader of all the women. I hope that all the sisters that were there may benefit as well as I did. My Family and I would hope that in the future they hold more important lectures like this one because some people think ok I listened to it so now I go home and listen to music but no these lectures should be beneficial to us and all the Muslim sisters in the world. May Allah keep all of us on the right path.
Jazakullah Khair.

By: Mahum Naveed Kiani Aged 9

