Excellence of Umar in the light of Traditions

by: Muhammad Hanif

The Second caliph of Islam Umar Faruq was martyred and passed on the first of Muharram. A small collection of Traditions is given which tells us his rank in the eyes of Allah and His Messenger, may Allah send greetings and salutations on him, and the honour he would receive on the Day of Judgment.

  1. Abdullah bin Abbas (may Allah be pleased with both the father and the son) reports the Holy Prophet, may Allah send greetings and salutations on him, as saying: "O Allah, strengthen Islam with Abu Jahl bin Hisham or Umar bin Khattab." In the morning Umar went to the Holy Prophet, may Allah send greetings and salutations on him, and embraced Islam. Then prayer was openly offered in the mosque. Imam Tirmidhi has narrated this Tradition and its number is 3683.

  2. Uqbah bin Amir (may Allah be pleased with him) narrates that the Holy Prophet, may Allah send greetings and salutations on him, said: If there were to be a prophet after me, indeed he would be Umar, son of Khattab. Imam Tirmidhi has narrated this Tradition and its number is 3686.

  3. Abdullah bin Umar (may Allah be pleased with both the father and the son) narrates that one day the Holy Prophet, may Allah send greetings and salutations on him, went out and entered the mosque with Abu Bakr and Umar, one on his right hand and the other on his left, holding their hands. Then he said: "We will be raised thus on the Day of Resurrection." Imam Tirmidhi has narrated this Tradition and its number is 3669.

  4. Jabir bin Abdullah (may Allah be pleased with both the father and the son) narrates: Umar said to Abu Bakr, "O best of men after Allah`s Messenger, may Allah send greetings and salutations on him!" Abu Bakr replied, "Seeing that you have that, (I would also tell you that) I heard Allah`s Messenger, may Allah send greetings and salutations on him, say, "The sun has not risen on a better man than Umar." " Imam Tirmidhi has narrated this Tradition and its number is 3684.

  5. Sa`d bin Abu Waqqas (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that Umar bin Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him, asked permission from Allah`s Messenger, may Allah send greetings and salutations on him, to enter when there were some Qurayshi women with him. They were asking him for something in greater quantity with loud voices. When Umar asked to enter, they got up and hastened to veil themselves. When Umar entered, Allah`s Messenger – may Allah send greetings and salutations on him – was laughing, so he said, "Messenger of Allah, may Allah keep you laughing." The Holy Prophet – may Allah send greetings and salutations on him – said, "I was astonished at these women who were with me. When they heard your voice, they hastened to veil themselves." Umar said, "Enemies of yourselves, do you have fear of me and do not have fear of Allah`s Messenger, may Allah send greetings and salutations on him?" They replied, "Yes, you are severer and harsher." Allah`s Messenger, may Allah send greetings and salutations on him, said: "Never mind, son of Khattab. I swear by Him in whose hand my soul is that Satan has never met you walking on a mountain-road without turning to another one than yours." Imam Bukhari has narrated this Tradition and its number is 3683.

  6. Abu Saeed Khudri – may Allah be pleased with him – narrates that Allah`s Messenger, may Allah send greetings and salutations on him, said: "When I was asleep, I saw people being brought before me. They were wearing shirts some of which reached the nipples while others were shorter. And Umar, son of Khattab, was presented to me wearing a shirt which he was trailing." The Companions asked, "Messenger of Allah, how do you interpret the dream?" He replied, "(It means spreading) religion." Imam Bukhari has narrated this Tradition and its number is 3691.

  7. Abdullah bin Umar (may Allah be pleased with both the father and the son) narrates: I heard Allah`s Messenger, may Allah send greetings and salutations on him, say, "When I was asleep, a jug of milk was brought to me which I drank until I could see what was drunk coming out at my nails. Then I gave what I had left to Umar, son of Khattab." The Companions asked, "Messenger of Allah, how did you interpret the dream?" he replied, "(It means) knowledge." Imam Bukhari has narrated this Tradition and its number is 3681.

  8. Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) narrates: I heard Allah`s Messenger – may Allah send greetings and salutations on him –say, "While I was asleep, I saw myself above a well. A bucket was on it. I drew from it what Allah willed, then the son of Quhafah (Abu Bakr) took it and drew from it one bucketful or two. But in his drawing there was some weakness for which may Allah forgive him. It then changed to a large bucket. The son of Khattab took hold of it – and I have never seen a stronger man drawing as Umar did – until the people satisfied their thirst and stayed by the water." Imam Bukhari has narrated this Tradition and its number is 3664.

  9. Abdullah bin Umar (may Allah be pleased with both the father and the son) narrates that Allah`s Messenger, may Allah send greetings and salutations on him, said, "Indeed, Allah has placed truth upon Umar`s tongue and heart." Imam Tirmidhi has narrated this Tradition and its number is 2682.

  10. Hudhayfah (may Allah be pleased with him) narrates that Allah`s Messenger – may Allah send greetings and salutations on him – said: "Indeed, I do not know how long I would remain among you, so copy those who will follow me, Abu Bakr and Umar." Imam Tirmidhi has narrated this Tradition and its number is 3663.

  11. Abdullah bin Abbas (may Allah be pleased with both the father and the son) narrates when Umar accepted Islam, Jibraeel descent and said: "O Muhammad – may Allah send greetings and salutations on him – indeed, the residents of the heavens are rejoicing in Umar`s embracing Islam." Imam Ibn Majah has narrated this Tradition and its number is 103.

