Shaykh-ul-Islam condoles the death of Shaykh Muhammad Adib Kallas

Shaykh Muhammad Adib Kallas, the great Syrian Islamic scholar, died on October 21, 2009 in Damascus. He was 88 years old. He belonged to Hanafi Fiqh, was a theologian and teacher of the highest order. Shaykh Muhammad Adib Kallas lived a life dedicated to knowledge, teaching, and selfless service to Islam.

Those who were fortunate to have met him unanimously maintain that he was one of the most remarkable people one could rarely meet. Despite being a mountain of knowledge, he was a man of deep humility.

In his condolence message, Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri expressed his deep grief and sorrow over the sad demise of Shaykh Kallas (ra). He said that the Muslim Umma was deprived of a great scholar. The gap created by the death of Shaykh would be hard to fill. Shaykh-ul-Islam paid rich tribute to Shaykh Muhammad Adib Kallas for his contribution to the field of knowledge and research. He prayed to Allah Almighty to grant him the highest station in Paradise in the proximity of the Beloved Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace be upon him. Meanwhile, Dr Raheeq Ahmad Abbasi, Nazim-e-Ala MQI, along with other leaders have also expressed their condolence over the sad demise of Shaykh Muhammad Adib Kallas (ra).

