www.MINHAJIANS.org - New website launched
Minhaj Internet Bureau (MIB) launched the new version of www.Minhajians.org. (Minhajians are the alumni of The Minhaj University`s College of Shariah and Modern Sciences (COSMOS).) Minhajians.org excels all other websites of its kind, and contains the description of minhajians since their very first session. (The first session of Minhajians completed their studies in 1991.) This website has a unique features of advance search and you can find any alumni through 29 different fields/categories, eg name; residential and permanent addresses; contact numbers; profession; education; photo; services, etc. No other website of any university`s alumni can be compared with this one.Minhajians.org was inaugurated by His Eminence, Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, on 2nd October, 2001. Today this website, by the grace and Almighty Allah and His Messenger (saw), has been converted into the modern language of web development, PHP.
All minhajians are requested to check their page and fill the online form (at) to complete/update/change their information.
We welcome and appreciate your proposals for further improvements in Minhajians.org at mib@minhaj.org