Free Mind Movement : Historical Launching of Fatwa Against Terrorism – UPDATE

On the 2nd March 2010, I reported a historical Fatwa against terrorism by Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Thair-ul-Qadri.

Since then, I have been searching for more material and details from this Fatwa, and here are a few details which might help you understand why I call this a ‘historical fatwa’.

The actual fatwa can be viewed here and I would encourage everyone to read it, since this issues effects everyone non-Muslims and Muslims. Therefore any misconceptions that might have existed can be tackled, so that we can co-exist peacefully.

Also, the actual launching ceremony of the Fatwa on the 2nd March 2010 can be seen below or on youtube. As well as reading the actual Fatwa it is also important to view the launching ceremony as the Shaykh Dr Thair-ul-Qadri examines and explains why this is the real view of true Muslims.

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