Opening ceremony of Halqa-e-Durood Shareef
On the 10th of April 2008, Allama Muhammad Idrees Sahib visited the Minhaj-ul-Quran Home Educational Project Halifax at Muhammad Javid Akhtar's residence. This was to perform the opening ceremony of Monthly Halkha-e-Darood Shareef sessions for both brothers and sisters.
Durind the event, Muhammad Javid Akhtar, In-charge of the Minhaj-ul-Quran Educational Project, presented an update on the progress made on behalf of Minhaj-ul-Quran Halifax to Allama Idrees Sahib, and mentioned that we are very lucky to have had a visit from Shaykh-ul-Islam in 1990 which was the starting point of Shaykh-ul-Islam's tour of the UK, during this tour Shaykh-ul-Islam also opened the very first Minhaj-ul-Quran Library in Halifax at this residence. Adding that, Shaykh-ul-Islam has blessed us by staying at this same residence for a week, during having organised lectures, taking part in the Yorkshire and Lancashire regions. Muhammad Javid also added that, we also organised an event in Halifax for Shaykh-ul-Islam and after the lecture the first official meeting for all the UK members was held in Halifax, after this Shaykh-ul-Islam ordered everyone that they should all go to eat at Javid Akhtar's residence. After this announcement many people become worried as there had only been a certain amount of food prepared at the house by my family, people came back to the house and informed my aunty and my wife of this announcement, they responded in saying 'who made this announcement?' and they said 'Shaykh-ul-Islam', after this they replied 'then we don't need to worry, we will read Bismillah and carry on, there will be enough for everyone Inshallah'. When the meeting had concluded, all the members from the UK made their way back to my residence with Shaykh-ul-Islam. Some of the people had to be seated in the neighbours house due to the large number of people. We began to give out the food to everyone starting with Shaykh-ul-Islam, we began to see a miracle of Shaykh-ul-Islam as everybody had eaten. We also had some food left over that was given to the birds the next day.

Report Prepared by Safyah Akhtar (MYL Halifax).