ICIS Admissions - Prospectus 2005

The age of science and technology has not only provided man with pleasures and comforts of life but has also thrust him in a war between spirit and matter. This war exists more or less in every human society but its effect on western countries has been particularly dire. Misleading secular concepts such as �freedom of thought� have led to the dissolution of moral and religious obligations.
Fortunately the teachings of Islam have fortified the Muslims against such invasions, which is why such assaults have proven less effective in the predominantly Muslim societies as compared to western societies. Nonetheless, Muslims, especially of the younger generation in the West, have not been immune against falling for the trappings of Western consumerism, going against their true nature and neglecting their glorious Islamic heritage.
Every insightful Muslim�s heart is stirred when he sees other Muslims leading a life of idleness and irreligiousness. But it would not be proper to leave them in their negligent misfortune, nor would it be of use to rebuke them. In fact our affection and sympathy for them require that we should make them aware of the balanced, universal, and natural teachings of Islam. They should be provided with knowledge of the Holy Qur�an, the life history of the Prophet (SAW), the anecdotes of the awliya (friends of Allah) the characteristics of Islamic society and what is good and what is bad.
We as Muslims need to build this vision in ourselves and bring it to others; this can only be achieved through gaining the correct knowledge of the Islamic faith. We have to build within us the culture of education and learning so that we can inspire our empty lives and build a better future for generations to come.
The Institute of Classical Islamic Sciences (ICIS) invites you to come and experience an education in a unique environment, quite unlike anywhere you may have previously studied and to allow us to put at your disposal the best teaching, support and resources to successfully complete your Islamic learning.
We at ICIS believe that our students are our greatest gift. Leaving their families, homes, comforts and luxuries they embark upon this journey to gain knowledge of their deen. This is an achievement in itself and carries great blessings. Coming from a culture that advocates individualism and secularism many Muslims may find themselves very limited in their awareness, if not confused, of their Islamic heritage, therefore the struggle to gain clarity in itself deserves applaud.
The spiritual disconnection that is apparent in the soul of the western Muslim needs to be healed; all the more reason for students to undergo a period of training to uplift their inner selves. The acquisition of knowledge allows one to broaden their horizons, open their mind and gain greater understanding of the world around them.
The sound of the dawn call to prayer will herald days filled with learning and nights of pondering through remembrance of Allah under the guidance of Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri. With stress on a strong work ethic and spiritual uplift the ICIS aims to leave its students enriched.
If you feel the unique philosophy of ICIS is right for you, apply early and prepare for this journey. We look forward to hearing from you and will ensure that what you have gained moulds your experiences throughout your life and beneficial for what is to come.
For further information:
Hafiz Sheeraz Elahi UK Mobile: +44 (0) 7958 520 242
Source : http://www.icisonline.com/