Hike in POL prices to add to people’s woes: G.M. Malik

Leader of Pakistan Awami Tehreek, G.M. Malik, has said that the anti-people policies continue under the present political administration whereby the people are being pushed against the wall under the burden of unbearable inflation and dearness. He said that the poor are being robbed of their right to life which is evident from the recurring hike in prices of POL products after every month. He demanded of the government not only to withdraw the price hike but also decreased them to give hard-pressed people much needed breathing space.

G.M. Malik expressed these views while talking to a delegation of Pakistan Awami Tehreek which called on him in Lahore today. He said that a government which came into power in the name of the poor is making life hell for their electorate. He blasted the government over its incessant habit of increasing the prices of POL products every now and then. He said that PAT fully rejected the recent reprehensible act of the government.

G.M. Malik said that the desperate act of increasing the prices of POL products proved that the government did not possess any credible plan to deal with the economic mess the country was caught up in. He said that the people would have to take to the streets to send the present corrupt electoral system packing otherwise their lives would continue to become more miserable.

