More than 85 Trucks sent by MWF in the past 4 days

12th October 2005
20 more TRUCKS have been dispatched today by Minhaj Welfare Foundation from different camps all over Pakistan. Due to the shortage of Transport many camps were not able to send the stuff. In the past 3 days many trucks were sent directly from the sub camps of MWF in Punjab.The total aid sent by Minhaj Welfare Foundation in the past 4 days is more than 27,500,000 . Medicine for almost 2,000,000 Rupees is sent today by MWF-Karachi to the base camp of MWF in Rawalpindi.
More than 4000 L Milk, 4000 blankets, Rice, Flour, candles, matchboxes, biscuits, medicines, juices, more than 4000 bundles of clothes were dispatched today.
Another team of doctors have been organized to set up another medical camp in Muzafarabad. More than 100 injured people were treated by the MWF medical which was set up yesterday in Muzafarabad.
Pictures of the EARTHQUAKE RELIEF AID can be seen on the webpage of welfare and on the main page of Minhaj