MWL Australia, News

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Mrs. Fizzah Hussain Qadri delivers a Lecture at the Muslim Women’s National Leadership Conference at the Victorian Parliament, Australia
Dr. Ghazala Qadri addressed the Muslim Women’s National Leadership Conference in Victoria: A Call for Gender Equality
Mrs Fizzah Hussain Qadri will be addressing the Parliament of Victoria in Australia
Dr Ghazala Qadri will be addressing the Parliament of Victoria in Australia
MWL Victoria holds a Meet & Greet session
Australia: Mrs. Fizzah Hussain Qadri's Lecture at Al-Hidayah 2024
Australia: Dr Ghazala Qadri's Lecture at the al-Hidayah Camp 2024 | Day 2
Dr. Ghazala Qadri arrives in Australia to address the Al-Hidayah Camp
Character-building should be our top-priority: Fizzah Hussain Qadri
Australia: Milad-un-Nabi (SAW) Conference
Annual Mawlid Conference 2012 held in Australia
MQI (Australia) holds Mawlid Conference in Melbourne
Shaykh-ul-Islam speaks at Peace Conference Sydney, Australia
Annual Milad-un-Nabi Conference 2010 at Bowman Hall, Blacktown, Sydney, Australia
Milad Conference at Redgum Function Centre, Sydney, Australia
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The organization of Minhaj-ul-Quran International has been established and different religious and spiritual programmes are held on the weekly off-days. There is a good number of Muslims in Australia and Minhaj-ul-Quran International is busy in spreading the teachings of Islam there. The Shaykh-ul-Islam undertook visit of Australia, New Zealand and Singapore in 1993.
167-177 Faulkners Rd, Mount Cottrell VIC 3024, Australia