MQI Norway, All News

Showing Results: 61 to 75 of 85
Page No. 5 of 6
Peace & Integration Workshop held in Oslo (Norway)
Three-day Scandinavian Workshop gets underway
MWL Norway conducts Training Course on ‘Safar-e-Inqilab’
MQI Draman comes into being
Reception in the honor of Minhaj-ul-Quran Women League Daraman
MQI (Rogaland) demonstration against Israeli barbarism
MQI Oslo holds 'Shahdat-e-Imam Hussain Conference’
Recent four Halqa Durood programmes in Oslo, Norway
President of Minhaj Council for Conflict Resolution Norway visits Central Secretariat
Dr Hassan Mohi-ud-Din Qadri speaks on issue of forced marriages
2nd opening ceremony of Halqa Durood, MWL, Dawah & Tarbiah Group, Norway
Workers Convention Minhaj-ul-Quran International Norway
Sewing Course for Women and Girls Arranged By Minhaj Women League Norway
Minhaj Council for Conflict Resolution Norway Honored with “Oslo 2008 Award”
Annual Health Seminar MWL Norway
Minhaj-ul-Quran Norway is the Norwegian branch of the Minhaj-ul-Quran International organisation based in Oslo. MQI established its centre in Norway and Denmark early in 1984.
Enebakkveien 36B, 0657 Oslo
971 280 301
22 19 19 83