MQI Norway, All News

Showing Results: 76 to 85 of 85
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Spiritual Training Camp for Minhaj Women League and Minhaj Sisters Norway
Minhaj-ul-Quran International (Oslo) hosts moot on interfaith harmony
Celebrations of Mawlid un Nabi (saww) and Peace Procession with Fire sticks
Quid Day Celebrations 2008 MQI Oslo
Celebration of Urs Mubarak Hazoor Daata Ganj Bakhash Ali Hijwairi(RA)
Sewing Course For Girls .. MQI Women League Oslo
Miraj-e-Mustafa (saw) Programme (Oslo Norway)
H .E. Alf Arne Ramslien Deputy Head of Mission Royal Norwegian Embassy's visit of MQI Central Secretariat
Sisters Spiritual Training Camp
Minhaj Welfare Foundation- Norway sent 2 containers to Sri Lanka for the victims of the Tsunami Disaster.
Minhaj-ul-Quran Norway is the Norwegian branch of the Minhaj-ul-Quran International organisation based in Oslo. MQI established its centre in Norway and Denmark early in 1984.
Enebakkveien 36B, 0657 Oslo
971 280 301
22 19 19 83