Website of quarterly Al-Ulama inaugurated by MIB
Reported by: MS Pakistani
Translated by: Amanat Ali Chaudhry
The inaugural ceremony of quarterly "Al-Ulama", representative research journal of Minhaj-ul-Quran Ulama Council was held in the office of Minhaj Internet Bureau on November 26, 2007. Amir-e-Tehreek Sahibzada Miskin Faiz-ur-Rahman Durrani performed the inauguration of the website. This ceremony was attended by Naib Amir-e-Tehreek Brig (R) Iqbal Ahmad Khan, Naib Nazim-e-Ala Sheikh Zahid Fayyaz, Naib Amir-e-Tehreek Samiullah Qadri, Nazim DFA G. M. Malik, Nazim Minhaj-ul-Quran Ulama Council Sahibzada Farhat Hussain Shah, Editor of "Al-Ulama" Allama Muhammad Hussain Azad, Nazim Minhaj-ul-Quran Ulama Council Punjab Allama Mir Asif Akbar, Nazim Secretariat Abdul Wahid Butt, Senior Naib Nazim Tarbiat Allama Ghulam Murtaza Alvi, Nazim Lahore Allama Ghulam Rabbani Taimoor and the entire team of Minhaj Internet Bureau.
After inauguration, Miskin Faiz-ur-Rahman Durrani and other guests saw various online demonstrations of the website. Deputy Director of Minhaj Internet Bureau Abdul Sattar Minhajian briefed the guests on various aspects of the website. He told that the website was designed with state-of-the-art technology and all facilities attracting the interest of viewers have been proved in this site.
All guests appreciated the efforts of the team of MIB for bringing this website online. Sweet were distributed at this occasion. The ceremony ended with offering of prayer.