Report - Spiritual Training Camp of Minhajians

Central Meetings of Minhajians
In this connection, well-attended meetings of Minhajians were held at the
Central Secretariat. The participants discussed the syllabus, lectures, and all
other aspects of management. An organizing team was formed with mutual discussion:
- Ali Akbar Qadri Head
- Rana Muhammad Idris Chief Organizer
- Rana Wahid Iqbal Secretary
- Saleem Danish Member
- Sayyid Tawqir-ul-Hasan Shah Member
- Naeem-ud-Din Chaudhary Member
- Hafiz Javed Mustafa Member
- Muhammad Uwais Iqbal Member
Contacts with Minhajians
For high attendance of Minhajians, a campaign for contacts was launched through the following:
- Letters
- E-mails
- Newspapers
- Telephone
- Magazine Minhaj-ul-Quran
- A body of Minhajians visited different districts
As results, Minhajians started arriving at the central Secretariat on 31 July in the evening. The next day this number reached to 150 at the camp; later the number increased up to about 315.
Preparation of Syllabus
A body of five was constituted which prepared syllabus and schedule, after long consultations and thoughtful discussions:
- Dr. Tahir Hameed Tanuly Head
- Dr. Ali Akbar Qadri Secretary
- Rana Muhammad Idrees Member
- Muhammad Afzal Qadri Member
- Muhammad Faruq Rana Member
Apart from the above, further ten committees were constituted to look after all the matters of the Minhajians:
- Registration Committee
- Residence Committee
- Mess Committee
- Transport Committee
- Class room Committee
- Contact Committee
- Media Committee
- Syllabus Committee
- Training Committee
- Finance Committee
According to the schedule, the Minhajians held a meeting at 10 O,
clock on Sunday first August in the Farid-e-Millat Research Institute. The
agenda of the first meeting was preparation of questions for question-answer
session with the Quaid-e-Inqlab. The questions and suggestions were
systematically prepared after a detailed discussion.
Later, the same day, when Dr. Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri came to the training camp, the questions in written form were given to him. He answered all the questions one by one in detail. He gave them a wealth of knowledge, which refreshed their minds and spirits. The answers to questions increased them in faith, dedication and commitment, and helped to remove all doubts and acambiguities. The Minhajians (all of them students of Quaid-e-Inqlab) were grateful to him.
The organization body of the training camp arranged introductory and question- answer sittings with different departments of the Central Secretariat. The details are as follows:
- Prof Naseem Ahmad Briefing & questions and answers about Minhaj Education Society
- Dr. Tahir Hameed Tanuly Quaid's intellectual inheritance
- Dr. Abd-ur-Rahman Bukhari International cultural attacks on Islamic world
- Ahmad Nawaz Anjum Briefing, questions and answers about directorate of organizations
- Col. Muhammad Ahmad Briefing, questions and answers about Minhaj Welfare Society
- Dr. Zahoor Ahmad Azhar, Briefing, questions and answers about COSMOS Col. Muhammad Ahmad & Muhammad Abbas
The participants of the camp found the meeting with the above directorates informative and useful. They all appreciated the question answers plan.
Quaid-e-Inqlab would daily deliver lectures
Interpreting Quran, Hadith and spiritualism. The lectures gave training on spiritual and intellectual aspects. As always, Dr. Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri motivational lectures encouraged the audience to concentrate on drawing closer to His Divine Court and the threshold of the Mater of the Universes, the Holy Prophet.
Explaining the future strategy of the movement, Dr. Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri stressed, as on many occasions previously, Minhaj-ul-Quran Movement is bound to play the role of revivalism on three levels:
- Revivalism and renewed of Islam
- Reformation of the character, moral values and spiritual condition of the Muslim Ummah.
- Restoration and re-establishment of Islam.
During his lectures on spiritualism, he stressed on the need of emptying the minds of all thoughts for love of the world. His point was that we should live in the world, but the world should not live in our hearts. Now we are living in a world full of darkness and trials and none can fight against this darkness and worldliness without spiritual weapons. Piety, worship and otherworldly concern should double our knowledge.
He also instructed them on how to lecture public with wisdom on Quran, traditions and Islamic mysticism. The Minhajians were given special permission on lecturing and interpreting.
On August 7, there was monthly spiritual gathering at the central Secretariat.
Dr. Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri's speech was a special divine gift on this occasion.
The following day he delivered a lecture to the God-Seekers (ie Minhajians) and gave them the tidings that the same day Imam Jalal-ud-Din Suyuti visited him in a dream. Imam Jalal-ud-Din Suyuti, himself the revivalist and renewal of the 10th Islamic century, blessed Dr. Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri with all of his knowledge and spiritualism. Moreover, explaining the blessing of Imams of Hadith and friends of Allah, he narrated his visions related to Shaykh Abd-ul-Qadir Jilani, Imam Ismail Nabhani, Ala Hadrat Shah Ahmad Raza Khan Baraylavi. Afterwards he showed the audiences the pictures of Aala Hadrat and Imam Nabhani, too.
The same day after the prayer of isha (night prayer) Dr. Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri held the last meeting with the Minhajians and gave them certificates on; permission to narrate common and special traditions, the tradition of shaking hands, and traditions on spiritualism. The atmosphere was such a spiritual one that they all wore a picture of humility and God-seeking. The camp ended with special instructions on establishing centers of Dawah (invitation towards Quran, Traditions, etc).
An executive body of Minahajians was also formed with the mutual consultation of the Minhajians for the propagation of the message of the Movement. The whole body consists of Minhajians:
- Rana Muhammad Idrees (Central President)
- Hafiz Javed Mustafa (Central Secretary General)
- Abdul Sattar (Central Joint Secretary)
- Sajjad-ul-Aziz Qadri (Central Finance Secretary)
- Qaysar Iqbal (Vice President Sindh)
- Javed Hazarvi (Vice President NWFP)
- Hafiz Ishtiag Ahmad (Vice President Punjab)
- Rahmatullah Achaczai (Vice President Balochistan)
- Hafiz Naseem Ahmad Nakashbandi (Vice President Azad Kashmir)
Your Brother in Islam
(Rana Muhammad Idrees)
Nazim Dawat and Tarbiyat