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Californian University Students Visit Mosque in Newham
13th Islamic Learning Course for Women Students
Establishment of Schools and Islamic Centers in Earthquake Affected Areas.
Emergency Aid for Pakistan Cyclone
Quran, Hadith, Fiqah and Urdu Classes in Oslo
Naib Nazim-e-Aala MQI Sheikh Zahid Fayyaz's mother passed away
The award of the title of Knighthood to Sulman Rushdee is a farce
Maan, Tera Badal Koyi Nahi
G.M Malik Became Grandfather
Health Seminar MQI Women League Oslo
Congratulation on Outstanding Achievement
In The Remembrance of our Brother Shahzad Shaffi (Late)
Skipper of Pakistan National Hockey Team, Muhammad Rehan Butt visits MQI
Luton Programme March 2007- In the Name of: Shaykh Abd ul-Qadir al- Jillani (ra) May 2007
The Opening Ceremony of