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Monthly Spiritual Gathering of Gosha-e-Durood - August 2007
Sisters Spiritual Summer Training Course In Oslo
An Experienced Memebr of MQI Haji Abdul Haqq Passes Away
13th Islamic Learning Course for Women Students
Summer Classes For Youth In Oslo
Training to Promote Peace and Tolerance and Spiritual uplift - Irfan ul Quran Course for Female Students
Funeral Prayer of the Mother of Allama Hafiz Nazir Ahmad
Minhaj-ul-Quran International Advisory Council's Meeting
Safeer-e-Europe Hafiz Nazir Ahmad's mother passes away
Sheikh Zahid Fayyaz visits MQI Italy
MYL Nelson Participate in MHCC Event
Islam Denounces Terrorism : Remembrance of 7 Jul, 2007 Victims at Minhaj-ul-Quran Mosque
Islam Denounces Terrorism : Remembrance of 7 Jul, 2007 Victims at Minhaj-ul-Quran Mosque
Darse Quran, Darse Hadith,Fiqah and Urdu Classes in Oslo, Norway
Californian University Students Visit Mosque in Newham