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Minhaj-ul-Quran Women League distributes food in Hospitals on Eid-ud-Duha
Re-Organization of MQI France
The 20th Foundation Day Ceremony of Minhaj-ul-Quran Youth League
2nd opening ceremony of Halqa Durood, MWL, Dawah & Tarbiah Group, Norway
Workers Convention Minhaj-ul-Quran International Norway
Sewing Course for Women and Girls Arranged By Minhaj Women League Norway
Minhaj Free Ambulance Service inaugurated in Gujrat
MYL UK Training Event 2008
Minhaj Council for Conflict Resolution Norway Honored with “Oslo 2008 Award”
Annual Health Seminar MWL Norway
Visit of the Foreign office bearers to Central Secretariat
Establishment of New Branch of MQI at Mauritius
Minhaj-ul-Quran Women League protests against anti-women incidents
Muslim Scholar Shaykh`Ali al-Hashimi’s Visit
The life and teachings of Shaykh-Abd-Ul-Qadir Al Gilani (ra)-Summary Report