Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri said that Allah Almighty likes shedding of tears out of repentance for the sins and wrongs committed. After His subjects beseech Him...
Shaykh-ul-Islam delivered his speech on Tawba today. He started his discourse with the analysis of our response to the wrongs done to us. You wrong the wrongdoer; that is just...
On 16th September, 2009 the fifth day of Itikaf commenced again with the same blissful routine of the melodious recitation of Durood-o-Salam that has become the daily routine....
The fifth day at the 19th Itikaf City of Minhaj-ul-Quran International began with usual melodious voices of people reciting the Word of God and offering Durood and Salutation ...
HUNDREDS of people gathered at the Minhaj ul Quran International centre in London on Thursday 16th September 2009 to celebrate the night of Laylat al-Qadr – Night of Power. ...
Shaykh-ul-Islam said that brotherhood brings the broken hearts together and is instrumental in seeking an end to the age-old enmities. He also explained the concept of brother...
Shaykh-ul-Islam said that this is the spiritualistic concept of brotherhood in the Holy Quran. He said that Allah honours and values friendships which are made for Him or for ...
Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri resumed his speech on the topic of ‘Retreat’. He said that Imam Abu al-Qasim has written in his Journal ‘Risala al- Qushayria...
23rd of Ramadan commenced with great blessings. The Sunnat and Salat Committee recited Durood and Kalama-e-Tawhid with great enthusiasm and wakened up the ‘mu’takifat’ f...
Shaykh-ul-Islam said that less talking increases one’s sustenance and excessive and purposeless speaking decreases it. He said that when one does excessive talking, he resor...
On 13 September, 2009 the Ramadan 22nd commenced with the recitation of the devotion of Durood-e-Pak, wakening up the‘mu’takifat’ for Tahajjud prayer. The members of the...
The proceedings of the first day at the Itikaf City got underway when thousands of people, in attendance, bowed their heads before Allah Almighty in Fajr prayer and offered Du...
The daily schedual of Women Itikaf starts at Sahri. The Salat Committee was in action according to the schedule. They wakened up the ‘mu’tafikat’ for Tahajjud prayer. An...
Thousands of people from across Pakistan and abroad joined the Itikaf City of Minhaj-ul-Quran International on September 11, 2009 on Friday evening. The delegations from the f...
Thousands of women were offered warm welcome to Women Training Itikaf 2009 organized by Central Minhaj-ul-Quran Women League at Itikaf-gah Township Lahore on Friday the 11th o...
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