MQI Overseas, Featured News

Showing Results: 586 to 600 of 814
Page No. 40 of 55
Shaykh-ul-Islam arrives in Cairo for Egypt Tour 2012
Shaykh-ul-Islam addresses Conference on Political & Religious Radicalism
European Peace Conference 2012 - Denmark
Fatwa against Terrorism launched in Denmark
Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri to address European Peace Conference on September 9
President of MQI (USA) visits Central Secretariat
Shaykh-ul-Islam addresses a peace conference in USA
Shaykh-ul-Islam addresses Peace and Mawlid Conference in USA
Mawlid Festival 2012 - Netherlands
Milad-un-Nabi Conference held in Norway
Women better placed to promote constructive values: Mrs. Ghazala Hassan Qadri
Shaykh-ul-Islam speaks on status of the Holy Prophet (SAW) in South Carolina, USA
Grand Finale of the MYL-S Executive Tour
Shaykh-ul-Islam speaks at University of South Carolina, US
Sister Ghazala speaks at Texas Mawlid Celebration-2012

Widely spread all over the world, this colossal setup of MQI centres entails a highly effective, efficient and centralized coordination to measure progress, monitor performance, sort out hurdles and issues and ensure smooth working of the MQI around the globe.

365-M Block, Model Town, Lahore Pakistan
+92 42 35171404
+92 42 111-140-140